Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days?
(Answer 1)
I prefer sunny days as I feel more energetic and motivated when I see the sun outside. The bright light from the sun takes my loneliness or depression away (remove something) and I believe I’m not the only one who feels that way. I think every one of us feels the same way.
(Answer 2)
Well, it depends. I love rainy days when I’m at home because I enjoy the pitter-patter sound (tapping sound) of the rain while sipping some hot tea and that makes me feel relaxed. However, I don’t like rain when I go out as it’s troublesome. It’s just hard to move from one place to another, especially when it’s bucketing down (to rain heavily).
What do you usually do when it starts to rain and you’re outside?
(Answer 1)
Of course, I have to find shade so I won’t get drenched (thoroughly wet) in the rain, as every sane (in one’s right mind) man would do, especially when heading to work. However, if it’s only drizzling (rain lightly) I take my umbrella out (to remove an umbrella from somewhere) of my bag and simply head to the place where I need to go.
(Answer 2)
Normally, I find a place where I can stay temporarily until the rain stops. However, if I’m in a rush, especially when I need to attend an appointment, I just hail a taxi (to call for a taxi) and ask the cab driver to take me to my office or the venue of the meeting.
How does rain affect life in your country?
(Answer 1)
It does affect positively and negatively. As for farmers in our country, they feel happy when it rains because their plants are watered naturally. That means they could save effort in watering their plants and, of course, they could save water. However, for those other people, it is bothersome (annoying) for them because they’re stuck in traffic or they arrive late at work or school. As we know, when it rains, it’s just hard to go from one place to another.
(Answer 2)
It hurts businesses. This includes deliveries being delayed (making something late or slow) and workers arriving late due to the unavailability or inaccessibility of public transportation. Because of this, a lot of businesses become less productive in the rainy season.
Have you ever had to change your plans because of the rain?
(Answer 1)
Of course! I don’t enjoy going out when it rains heavily as it limits (restricts) my ability to do things. Just last week, I canceled my lunch date with my friends because it was raining cats and dogs (raining very heavily). I don’t like driving in that kind of weather condition as I find it unsafe.
(Answer 2)
Yes, of course! There was a time that I needed to reschedule my meeting with an important client because of the bad weather conditions. It rained heavily for three consecutive (successive) days and it was so hard for me to meet him. Thankfully, he understood the situation and we just met a week later.
Do you like rainy days?
Not at all, rainy days are bothersome to me and I think for most people since it’s hard to go from place to place (to go to many different places), especially when you have something important to attend to (deal with). Aside from that, I hate the feeling of walking on muddy roads as my clothes surely are spattered (to spot; splash) with mud.
Does it rain much in your country?
Not really except during springtime and that I believe because the temperature is warm. During that season carrying an umbrella always comes in handy (to be useful) since it suddenly rains any time of the day. Other than that (except that) season, this country usually has sunshine even in the wintertime, and that I think is the main reason why people here are happy most of the time.
What do you usually do in rainy weather?
Well, there’s not much, rainy days make me lazy. It’s a pain in the neck (annoying) to jump out of bed (another way to say get up) and prepare to go to work on a rainy morning. And if it rains on a weekend, I’m usually a couch potato (refers to a person who watches TV a lot; having an inactive life) binging (excessive indulgence in eating) on some junk food. I can’t help it (cannot stop myself from doing something) as I can’t go out and do something interesting.
Do children like rainy days?
Yes, that’s for sure! Children enjoy playing in the rain, running around (to run here and there), and laughing boisterously (noisily jolly). Actually, they’re really entertaining and beautiful to watch as they show their innocence and genuine happiness. So when it rains, there are no other people who are the happiest but the children.
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