Can you remember the dreams you had?/Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?
(Answer 1)
Well, not all of my dreams. I can remember those dreams of mine that frightened (scared) me, entertained me, or surprised me since those have an impact on my waking life (the reality of the awakened state of consciousness). However, there are those dreams of mine that I can’t really remember despite forcing myself to recall those dreams.
(Answer 2)
Yes, and no – yes, I can remember my recent dreams, especially last night, I dreamt that I’d become a superhero fighting aliens that conquered (took control) the planet Earth. That was really entertaining that when I woke up, I just laughed at myself. And no, because there are dreams of mine that are vague (unclear) that no matter how hard I try to remember them, I just can’t remember at all.
Do you like hearing other people’s dreams?
(Answer 1)
Yes! Actually, I find it interesting and entertaining at the same time. Just yesterday my friend shared his dream with me that he won the lottery and took me on his international travels. According to him, I was on cloud nine (very happy) when he took me to those countries I longed (to feel a strong desire) to visit. I told him that I wished it wasn’t a dream but a reality, and we just laughed at it.
(Answer 2)
Well, I don’t mind listening to other people’s dreams. I just listen to what they share with me but if they ask me to share mine, I just don’t because there’s nothing special about it. Our dreams at night are the result of our tiredness during the day, and that’s not worth talking about with others.
Do you think dreams will affect life?
(Answer 1)
That depends on the kinds of dreams. If a dream has something to do with a disaster or tragedy, some people think about it a lot and that greatly affects their concentration. Well, there are some people who want to spend time decoding their dreams at night as they believe dreams convey (deliver) important messages in waking life (the reality of the awakened state of consciousness).
(Answer 2)
Personally, dreams won’t have any impact on me, except when I dream about my friends or family members who passed on (died). Whenever they visit in my dream, I make sure to offer prayers for them or visit the cemetery where they are laid to rest (buried).
Do you share your dreams with others?
(Answer 1)
Never! For me, dreams are really personal and they should never be shared with anyone else. I can’t recall (remember) that I shared my dreams with someone even with my family. Besides, dreams don’t have any special meaning, they’re just the result of one’s exhaustion (extreme tiredness) from work or study.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I do! I enjoy sharing my dreams with my friends or family, especially if my dreams are hilarious (very funny). I love to see my friends and family laugh with me while I narrate (recount) what I dream about. But there are those dreams that I can’t easily share with them because I feel embarrassed.
Do you think dreams have special meanings?
(Answer 1) I really don’t think so. Like I said earlier, dreams are just the result of one’s tiredness or one’s overthinking about so many things. In my opinion, there isn’t any special meaning behind every dream, but in spite of (regardless) my belief, I do respect those fortune tellers or those people whose job is to interpret someone’s dream.
(Answer 2)
I believe so because dreams are a kind of signal or warning or an answer to the question that troubles the mind of the dreamer in his waking life. I’ve had so many experiences that my dream helps me make a decision in life. But I can’t also deny the fact that sometimes dreams can be meaningless.
Do you want to make your dreams come true?
(Answer 1)
Well, I don’t really mind, except for those dreams of mine that are terribly frightening. I don’t think I will enjoy living my life if my bad dreams such as the apocalypse (the complete final destruction of the world) or zombie invasion (occupation; conquering) will become a reality.
(Answer 2)
Yes, for positive dreams such as winning the lottery, living in a big house, finding the love of my life, or having financial freedom. But when it comes to those dreams which I consider bad luck, God forbid (used to express a fervent wish that something should not happen)! No one in this world wants to make their bad dreams a reality.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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