Do you like text messaging?
(Answer 1)
No, I’m not into texting, I prefer giving a call or being called because it’s way easier to deliver the message or being understood by someone as you’re actually talking with them over the phone. Unlike text messaging that sometimes the message is interpreted wrongly and that sometimes causes trouble.
(Answer 2)
Yes definitely, who wouldn’t want texting? Sending SMS or using chat services is part of everyone’s daily life in this generation. It makes life more convenient, besides, the charge is minimal to even nothing, unlike phone calls where you’re charged a couple of dollars every minute. And because of that, texting is our family’s preferred mode of communication.
Interpret [verb] – to give meaning
SMS [abbreviation] – Short Message Service
Mode of communication [phrase] – the ways of communicating with others using communication technologies
Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
(Answer 1)
It’s hard to choose between the two because it all depends on the situation. If I have something indispensable to share with someone, I initiate a conversation by sending text messages, and if I celebrate a milestone in life like my birthday or achievement, I love receiving heart-warming messages from my loved ones or friends as I feel valued. I can’t choose between the two.
(Answer 2)
I prefer the latter because it helps me realize who are those people who really care for me. Just receiving a How-are-you message means the world to me. I do appreciate those people who are thoughtful – those who make an effort to send a message in spite of their busy schedule as that’s what I also do to my loved ones or friends. I find time to send a message even though I’m also busy.
Indispensable [adj.] – absolutely necessary
Initiate [verb] – begin
Milestone [noun] – a significant event in someone’s life
Mean the world to me [idiom] – to be significantly important to someone
Have you ever received a confusing text message?
(Answer 1)
I don’t know if I can categorize spam messages as examples of confusing text messages. Every now and then I receive text messages telling me that I won some home appliance or my number was luckily selected to win thousands of dollars in a lottery, when in fact, I didn’t join any contest or lottery. It’s kind of annoying and disappointing that there are some people who want to make money by selling other people’s numbers to a third party and then scamming you.
(Answer 2)
Yes, several times and there was one instance that I received a message from an unknown number that really troubled me. I received a text message saying that my grandpa was rushed to the hospital. I was in a panic and I immediately called that number because I was very anxious, and to my surprise, that person was not someone from our family. I found out that the message was accidentally sent to me. It was a great relief after learning that it wasn’t my grandpa that’s hospitalized.
Categorize [verb] – classify
Third party [noun as used in the answer] – a person or an organization that is not directly involved with the two main people or organization
Panic [noun] – alarm; sudden uncontrollable fear
Anxious [adj.] – worried and nervous
Relief [noun] – reassurance; comfort
In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message?
(Answer 1)
I believe emergencies or something that needs urgent attention because we cannot delay informing someone as the situation might get worse, especially if it’s something dangerous. Making a phone call is a faster way to get the attention of the person that’s involved than texting.
(Answer 2)
I think situations like telling someone good or bad news because we want the other person to know things directly and clearly from us. Also, it’s better to call someone, if we want to share something confidential or our personal problem as texting is not really advisable as the message might be read or seen by others.
Emergency [noun] – a serious or dangerous condition or situation that needs immediate action
Confidential [adj.] – intended to be kept private or secret
Advisable [adj.] – to be recommended
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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