What do you usually do on your birthday?
(Answer 1)
Well, normally, I spend time with my family. We eat out (have a meal in a restaurant) in a fancy restaurant which we never visit on ordinary days and order those sumptuous (splendid and expensive-looking) foods. That’s actually my treat for them as I want to share my blessing with my beloved family.
(Answer 2)
As I get older, my birthday is just very ordinary. There’s nothing special about it except that I’m grateful for the gift of life that I’m given. However, when I was a kid, my parents used to take me to a toy shop and let me choose a toy that I wanted. Then, we went to a restaurant and ate something special. Well, now that I’m a grown-up (adult) man, I don’t do anything extraordinary on my birthday.
Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?
(Answer 1)
I consider my birthday a special day so for me, it is important to celebrate it since it only happens once a year. Besides, it’s a gift of life – not everyone is given another year to live life so I always make sure to treasure that wonderful day of my life by going out with my family or my friends.
(Answer 2)
Well, as I’ve just said, my birthday is just pretty ordinary. I just normally express my gratitude to my God for giving me another year to live, learn about life, and understand my existence on Earth. It’s really fine with me if I don’t spend my birthday in an extraordinary way, I’m already content with the gift of life that I’m given.
What did you do on your last birthday?
(Answer 1)
My last birthday was incredibly special. I didn’t do the usual thing that I do on my birthday, instead, I went on a trip on my own. It was actually my first time traveling by myself and I can say that that was fun yet scary at the same time since I could only rely (depend) on myself. Overall, that was empowering (making someone stronger and more confident) and one of the best birthday experiences I had.
(Answer 2)
(Smiling) There was nothing special at all. I was at home eating porridge in the morning and went to a bar to have a few drinks after having noodles as my dinner. I couldn’t get home at that time to see my parents since air tickets were terribly expensive and I just couldn’t afford them.
Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in your country?
(Answer 1)
Well, if we talk about families, everyone’s birthday is important since we all value the gift of life. However, if we talk about significant people in our country who contributed value, I believe our national heroes’ birthdays are incredibly (extremely) important. We commemorate (honor) their birthdays as a sign of respect for what they did in our country freeing us from colonizers (people who take control of a place).
(Answer 2)
Well, undeniably, it’s our parents’ birthdays that are the most important to celebrate in this country. We do value their birthdays because they are the ones who give us life. They’re the ones who bring us up (to look after a child until he becomes an adult) and the ones who sacrifice their lives just to provide us with a comfortable life. It’s just so right that we give importance to their birthdays.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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