Do you prefer a long break or several breaks?
Answer 1
I cannot choose between the two because both a long break and several breaks are beneficial to me. Indulging long breaks like traveling helps me widen my perspective on life.
As you know, traveling opens the door to great opportunities that can help people understand life better such as learning cultural differences, lifestyles, traditions or customs, and the like, which to me is refreshing. On the other hand, doing several breaks recharges my batteries, most especially, when I have a pile of paperwork to do in the office.
Answer 2
I prefer the latter simply because I can maintain my motivation and my interest in what I currently do – may it be work, study, or hobby. For me taking several breaks is similar to taking a nap, all you need is a short break for you to recharge your mind and to be ready again to do things well. If I take long breaks, I tend to become demotivated or lose my desire after not doing my usual routine for quite some time – I notice that I become indolent.
Indulge [verb] – to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something
Open the door [idiom] – to create an opportunity/opportunities
Recharge one’s batteries [phrase] – to regain one’s strength
(The) latter [adj.] – the second of the two; the last-mentioned
Demotivated [adj.] – less eager; loss of enthusiasm
Indolence [noun] – laziness
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker was very honest in his attitude toward the question telling the examiner that he couldn’t choose one over the other because both were advantageous to him. And because of that, he just explained to each of them what kind of benefits he got from having any of those kinds of breaks. It’s a realistic and relatable answer.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker gave his answer directly with the use of a good expression that expressed his choice which was short breaks. Then, he just provided his thorough explanation of why he preferred that choice, and after that, he compared the other choice which was long breaks to his personal choice and explained what the first choice could do to him. The speaker used the comparison technique to explain his answer better.
What do you usually do during a break?
Answer 1
I’m not sure what the word ‘break’ means here, if it’s a short break from work like 20-30 minutes, I usually sip some coffee to help me awake and re-energize my mind. If it means days off, more often than not, I binge-watch TV series or movies on Netflix or spend time outside gardening.
On the other hand, if we’re talking about a long break like a week or two, I seize the opportunity to see places where I’ve never visited yet.
Answer 2
Actually, I make the most of my break by doing something that can add value to my life such as reading books, meeting up with friends, exercising to maintain good health, and more importantly visiting my parents. Well, I’m currently living on my own now so I seldom see my parents, and because of that, I make a habit of visiting them whenever I have time.
Answer 3
As an introvert, I always stay at home whenever I have a break from school. I just enjoy cooking, reading books, writing poems, watching movies, gardening, and listening to indie music. I’m already content doing those things in my free time. I know that some people say that my life is boring, but I just shrug it off, as they cannot fathom the joys of introverts.
Sip [verb] – drink
Binge-watch [verb] – watch multiple episodes of a TV program or movie
Seize the opportunity [idiom] – to take advantage of the opportunity
Make the most of (something) [phrase] – use to the best advantage
Meet up [noun] – informal gathering
Make a habit [phrase] – to do something regularly
Introvert [adj.] – a person who prefers spending time alone
Content [adj.] – contented and satisfied
Shrug it off [phase] – to ignore something as it is not important
Fathom [verb] – comprehend; understand
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker expressed his confusion about the meaning of the word ‘break’, as a result, he provided the examiner with the different types of breaks he enjoyed having and talked about the different activities that he did whenever he had those kinds of breaks. It’s a witty answer as he’s able to express his ideas very clearly.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker started his answer by introducing a natural expression (make the most…) to express his answer. He enumerated the things that he normally does whenever he has a break. And to extend his answer, he picked one of the things that he loved doing on his break and explained a little bit more about it. It’s a great way to make himself spontaneous and at the same time provide enough ideas.
iii.) ANSWER 3: The speaker expressed his answer by stating his personality to the examiner. Then, he talked about the things that he enjoyed doing that aligned with his personality. Lastly, he talked about the opinions of people about his kind of life and how he thought about their opinions. It’s a very good way to end his answer!
When do you usually have a break?
(Answer 1 – For Workers)
Thankfully, my days off fall on weekends! Saturday and Sunday are my favorite days of the week as I can be with my family. Saturday is usually a lazy day for me – just playing with my children or watching some cartoons with them and Sunday is the time when we eat out and spend some time at the park.
(Answer 2 – For Students)
As a student, I’ve summer, winter, and autumn break. Among those breaks, summer is actually my favorite since it’s the longest – that usually takes up to two months, while, winter and autumn are only up to three weeks. I suppose 100% of students love summer break!
(Answer 3 – For Housewives/Mothers)
That’s hilarious! Do you think mothers really have a break? Just kidding… Well, after my two children and my husband leave home for school and work, that’s the only time that I can have a break. But honestly, it’s not really an absolute break as I have to do what typical mothers in the world need to do in the house – cleaning, doing the laundry, cooking, and anything that you can think of. So I don’t know if that’s a break!
Fall on [phrase] – take place; occur
Eat out [phrase] – to eat in a restaurant
Hilarious [adj.] – very amusing; funny
Absolute [adj.] – complete
Typical [adj.] – common
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker started his answer on a positive note, immediately talking about his days off. Right after that, he talked about how he spent his break with his family, doing wonderful activities with his children and his wife or partner.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker introduced his answer stating that he’s still a student, which is a very good start since he would be able to connect it to talking about the different kinds of breaks he usually has. To extend his answer a bit longer, he talked about which break he considered as his favorite. It’s a great way to end his answer.
iii.) ANSWER 3: The speaker developed her answer in a humorous way and gave a rhetorical question to the examiner and later stated that she’s just joking. With that kind of introduction, she sounded very natural and comfortable in using the English language. Anyway, she continued giving her answer by citing the fact that typical mothers couldn’t really have a complete break since they always had a lot of things to do in the house. It’s a very natural and realistic answer.
How often do you take a break?
Answer 1
I believe not as much as most people, who have an 8-5 job, do. I work as a freelance digital marketer and as you may know, the biggest challenge of what I do is, that this kind of job is very unstable – in other words, my income is unstable as well. So, for me to achieve financial stability, I don’t care much about taking a break – I work like a dog.
Answer 2
Well, our company provides us with a 30-day paid holiday a year. So I always divide it in half – I spend my first 15 days of leave in summer and the other one in winter. All in all, I can take a break from work twice a year.
Freelance [adj.] – self-employed and hired by many different companies
Work like a dog [idiom] – to work very hard
All in all [phrase] – all things considered; on the whole
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker gave his answer by comparing his status to other normal workers who have regular jobs. He pointed out the fact that his work is unstable and that he needed to work much harder than those who have regular and secured jobs for him to achieve financial stability. He ended his answer by stating that taking a break is not his main priority. It’s an honest and realistic answer.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker talked about one of the great benefits his company offered to all of them as workers which is the 30-day paid holiday. Then, he answered the question by stating that he divided that one-month paid holiday twice, which he normally spent every summer and winter time. It’s a direct answer and natural.
This is how you answer the recent IELTS Speaking PART 1 Topic about
PART 3 Here!
Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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