Do you collect things?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I do! I’ve been collecting stamps and handmade souvenirs from the places that I’ve traveled to. Actually, I’ve been collecting stamps since I was thirteen when my Swedish friend sent me a letter. I got interested in the stamp that stuck (pasted) to his letter. As for handmade souvenirs, I started collecting them when I was eighteen.
(Answer 2)
Yes, however, I don’t consider myself an avid collector (very keen, enthusiastic) of only one particular thing. I randomly collect things when I find them worth keeping (valuable). Well, I have kept some jewelry, watches, sneakers, mugs, plants, specifically succulents, and some pens. I dunno, I find fulfillment (satisfaction) whenever I do this. Actually, it’s really fun.
What items are considered collectibles in your country?
(Answer 1)
I’m not sure about this, I guess stamps, furniture, coins, and probably souvenirs from one’s trip abroad. I just simply base my answer on my friends’ collections since the majority of them collect those kinds of things.
(Answer 2)
I believe paintings are commonly collected because from time to time I see some art exhibitions held in different parts of this country. I also think anything that is vintage (something that is not new but highly valued) — may they be cars, furniture, or utensils since these collectibles are usually featured in movies or documentaries.
Is collecting a popular pastime in your country?
(Answer 1)
I dunno about this – maybe yes, or maybe not. I guess some people enjoy collecting different items such as antiques and there are those who don’t. I believe the popular pastime in this country is surfing the web.
(Answer 2)
I don’t think so. Collecting items isn’t popular among the general public. I think that kind of hobby is common among those people who have money since that is costly. I think ordinary people in this country prioritize spending their money on food rather than buying collectibles.
Why do people like collecting things?
(Answer 1)
Well, I think they are after for the collectible’s worth. Some people collect certain items because they know the value of them as time goes by. They keep those collectibles for years and then sell them at the right time, that is when the value appreciates (increases).
(Answer 2)
As a collector myself, I collect things because those items remind me of my travels, important events I attended, and things like that. I believe some collectors share my sentiment. Also, some collectors collect things not because it’s their hobby but because collecting things is a form of investment, especially collecting high-end (expensive) bags, watches, or vintage cars.
What are the benefits of collecting?
(Answer 1)
From the perspective of an investor, they can sell those collectibles at a higher price to an avid collector who is more than eager to acquire such collectibles. But from the point-of-view of a historian or someone who is working at the academe, collecting those valuable things, especially those with historical or cultural significance, is helpful for them to conduct further study or they can use those things as illustrations when teaching students about culture or traditions.
(Answer 2)
I don’t think there are many benefits of collecting items, I only see one benefit from it and that is a collector will be able to preserve those collected items instead of throwing them away and simply contributing to the destruction of our planet. You know most items that are old and not valued by people are commonly discarded (get rid of).
Are there any things you keep from childhood?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I still have my favorite toys! My toys when I was 5 to 8 years old. I actually keep them in a cabinet in my room as I consider them my valuable collections. They’re valuable because they’re part of my childhood and each of them has a story worth telling.
(Answer 2)
Well, there’s one thing from my childhood days that I still have with me these days and it’s my pillow. It’s a small pillow whose cover is my favorite Disney movie, the Lion King. It’s already faded (having lost its depth of color), however, I’m still keeping it as I can’t really let go of it. I feel like if I throw it away, I’m forgetting my innocent days and my wonderful childhood memories.
Would you keep old things for a long time?
(Answer 1)
Why not? In fact, we do have a lot of old furniture in the house. Each of them is valuable because of its old age. They’re all antique (ancient) and undeniably the market value of those things is high. So, we will be keeping them for a long period of time.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I would really love to, most especially those that can be sold at a higher price in the long run (eventually). The longer I keep those things the higher the monetary value they get. Actually, I learned this from my grandpa because he has some vintage cars, and honestly, he’s gotten some really good offers from collectors.
Where do you usually keep things you need?
(Answer 1)
Well, luckily our house is quite big so we have extra room for storage and our garage has some space where I can keep some valuable things. However, I also use my room to keep those personal things that I really need because there’s no other best place where I can store my personal things than my bedroom.
(Answer 2)
Well, that depends…if those important things are my personal belongings (items owned by me), of course, I have to keep them in my bedroom. If not, we have a storage room in our house where we can keep those valuables safe.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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