Did you laugh a lot recently?
(Answer 1)
Honestly, no. I’ve been having jitters (nervousness) since I started preparing for this IELTS exam so it’s hard to laugh. I believe I’m a worrywart (a person who often worries) and serious person, especially when I’m pressured to achieve something important.
(Answer 2)
Yes, because I’m a happy person. I don’t take life so seriously as I don’t want to get older quickly. As they say, laughter is the best medicine so I make sure to laugh and spread positivity. Life is too short to be so serious.
Do you enjoy watching movies or TV shows that make people laugh?/Do you like movies that make you laugh?
(Answer 1)
Well, who doesn’t? We all binge-watch comical motion pictures or TV shows like ‘Just For Laughs’ every now and again to make us entertained and at least forget about our troubles even for a short while. Honestly, they’re like my happy pill whenever I feel down in the dumps.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I do! In fact, I idolize Eddie Murphy and Jim Carrey – I’ve never missed any single comedy film they have starred. They’re just hilarious! Also, I usually occupy my days off indulging in watching American comedy TV shows with my wife. It’s our unique way of hanging out together.
Binge watch [verb] – watch multiple episodes
Comical [adj.] – amusing; funny
Motion picture [noun] – another term for a movie
Happy pill [noun] – anti-depressant
Down in the dumps [idiom] – to feel gloomy or depressed
Idolize [verb] – admire
Star [verb] – have someone as the principal actor
Hilarious [adj.] – very funny
Occupy [verb] – engage; busy
Indulge [verb] – become involved in
Hang out [phrasal verb] – to spend a lot of time in a place with/without someone
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker started his answer by giving a rhetorical question. This made him sound very confident in using the English language. Then, he talked about most people’s habit of watching comedy films or shows. Right after that, he ended his answer by stating that it was his way of getting away from his sadness. Notice the vocabulary words that he used, they helped him express his answer very well.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker gave a direct positive answer, and then provided an example of comedians who starred in comedy films. Then, he talked about how funny those actors were. To make his answer balanced, he added his answer by talking about how he spent his days off with his wife and that’s watching comedy TV shows. Great answer!
Do you usually make your friends laugh?/Do you often make people laugh?
(Answer 1)
No, not at all! Unfortunately, I wasn’t gifted with a sense of humor. It’s the other way around – I mean, it’s my friends who usually make me really laugh to the point that I laugh my head off. I’m just the complete opposite of my friends – I guess I’m boring but lucky enough to be surrounded by jocular friends.
(Answer 2)
I believe I do, and well, every one of us loves to make each other laugh. We love to crack jokes, especially when we feel like we’ve started to become serious. I reckon we don’t treat life very seriously and I think that makes our bond stronger as we share the same perspective on life.
Sense of humor [noun] – a personality that gives someone the ability to say funny things or even see the funny side of things
The other way around [phrase] – the opposite of what is expected
Laugh one’s head off [phrase] – to laugh a lot
Jocular [adj.] – humorous; funny
Crack a joke [idiom] – to tell a joke
I reckon [expression] – another way to say I think/I suppose
Bond [noun] – a strong feeling of friendship
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker gave a direct negative answer, then, used a negative expression (unfortunately), to describe his character which is being lack of humor. He explained further by stating that it’s his friends who made him laugh instead of him to them. Also, he added another description to his personality which is being boring to add a supporting idea to his reason.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker answered positively but did not use the expression, yes. Then, he talked about the characteristics of his friends which is similar to his – and that is being funny. Also, to make his answer a bit longer, he talked about how they perceived life which did help them to have a stronger relationship as friends. Always extend your answer a bit more but bear in mind to not overdo it.
Are you the kind of person who loves making people laugh?/Are you good at making people laugh?
(Answer 1)
Well like I’ve just said, I don’t have any talent in making people laugh. How I wish I did have that kind of ability! I always have so much admiration for people who are humorous but also respectful – I mean their jokes are really entertaining but not below the belt.
(Answer 2)
Yes definitely! I just love making people laugh, I think it’s an innate character of mine. I suppose I get this jolly and flamboyant personality from my mom. My mom has a boisterous laugh but not annoying and it’s really contagious. In fact, she’s popular in our village because of her personality and so am I.
Humorous [adj.] – amusing; funny
Below the belt [idiom] – cruel & unfair
Innate [adj.] – inborn; natural
Jolly [adj.] – happy & cheerful
Flamboyant [adj.] – lively; exuberant
Boisterous [adj.] – energetic; cheerful
Annoying [adj.] – irritating
Contagious [adj.] – affect others
So am I [expression] – short reply which means “I am too.”
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker reiterated what he said in the previous answer stating that he loved to make people laugh. Use these expressions: Like I said, As I have mentioned, As I’ve just said, whenever you want to repeat what you previously said. These expressions can help you sound natural and confident.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker gave a positive answer and explained that it’s his character making people laugh. Also, the speaker extended his answer by talking about his mom’s character which he believed he got his personality from his mom. Such a clever way to extend his answer!
Do you think it’s important to laugh with friends?
Of course! Laughing with friends is one of the best things and a great feeling in the world! I don’t think there’s someone in this world who never likes to share laughter with his friends. We all want friends who can help us shrug off our worries through laughing. As the old adage goes, Laughter is the best medicine, so it’s more than important to laugh with friends!
Shrug off [phrase] – to get rid of something; to treat something as if it’s not a problem or important
Adage [noun] – a proverb; saying
Laughter is the best medicine [saying] – trying to be happy is a good way to stop worrying
i.) The speaker gave a positive answer using a natural expression (Of course – don’t use this in Part 3). Then he expressed his answer by saying that all of us want to laugh with our friends as it’s the best feeling in the world. Also, he injected one saying that helped him support his argument better. If you can include some saying or proverb in your answer, please do so, as it surely helps you explain your answer even more clearly.
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IELTS Speaking PART 1 Topic
PART 3 Here!
Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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