Do you often go to the library?
(Answer 1)
Well, not often. I go to the library only when I have an important assignment that needs citations (reference from a book, author, or paper, especially in scholarly work). Other than that (except for), I do my assignment at home and just get some references online as it’s much easier to do and less hassle (inconvenience).
(Answer 2)
As I’m no longer a student, I rarely go to the library. If I’m not mistaken, the last time I went to our city library was eight months ago. Actually, I went there not because I needed to study but because I had to meet one of my childhood friends who wasn’t familiar with our city. I asked him to wait for me in that place as it’s the only landmark (indicator) that is accessible (within reach) to my apartment.
What do you usually do in the library?
(Answer 1)
I do what most students do – study. However, I sometimes go to our school library just to kill time (to do something that keeps you busy while you are waiting for something else to happen). I just read some articles or surf the net while waiting for my next class. Well, our library is not only a great place to study but also a place for relaxation since the ambiance (atmosphere) is homey (pleasantly comfortable and cozy).
(Answer 2)
Back in the day (a time in the past), I spent most of my free time at the library doing my school projects or assignment. So, I read lots of books there and surfed the web whenever I needed to access information online.
Did you go to a library when you were a kid?
(Answer 1)
Of course! I remember when I was a grader we had a special English reading session at least once a month and it’s held in our library. Our school invited special guests who are educators to check our English reading and comprehension skills. It was part of the school curriculum which I really liked because it helped me develop the habit of reading.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I did numerous (too many to count) times because our teachers wanted us to cultivate study habits. Honestly, I easily got bored spending time at the library because all I had in mind at that time was to play outside with my friends. I wanted to play with my classmates and friends. I really wanted to play with them during our free time, however, our teachers usually took us to the library. It was actually exhausting (very tiring).
Do children in your country often go to a library?
(Answer 1)
With the advent (arrival) of computer or mobile technology, I believe children in my country rarely go to a library. I think they depend on searching for educational information online as it’s accessible. Well, I can’t blame them since we all want convenience these days. As we know, visiting a library takes time and effort while visiting different sites online to educate oneself is just a click away (it is very easy to get on your computer, especially from the internet).
(Answer 2)
I’m not sure about this. I guess some do and some don’t. I think that depends on their respective schools. If their teachers encourage them to go to the library often, then I think those children spend time at a library from time to time.
However, if their schools do not have a better library and if they’re living in a place where public libraries aren’t available, then obviously, they don’t go, or worse, they never get a chance to get into a library.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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