Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I tried learning how to play the guitar when I was in grade school, but for some reason, I stopped it. I guess I wasn’t so invested in learning the guitar, then. Therefore, I didn’t develop skills in playing the guitar.
(Answer 2)
Yes, and I can actually play the piano. I also tried learning other musical instruments but I didn’t spend so much time learning them the way I spent a lot of time learning the piano. Well, these days, I’ve been teaching kids how to play the piano as my side hustle and I couldn’t be happier (to be very happy).
Is music an important subject at school in your country?
(Answer 1)
Yes, it is. Music is actually a part of the curriculum in the basic education. So, all kids have to learn music, and they have the freedom to choose the type of instrument to learn. When I was a kid, I chose to learn the guitar.
(Answer 2)
I believe so because all graders have to study music. I mean, a music subject is taught in grade school. I studied that subject from grade 4 until grade 6. I learned how to read musical notes, compose songs, and of course, play a musical instrument. That was really fun!
Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school?
(Answer 1)
For me, it shouldn’t be necessary. I mean, teachers can encourage their students to learn how to play a musical instrument, especially those who have the talent but it shouldn’t be mandatory (compulsory). Instead, teachers should understand the skills of their students and do their best to give them an activity that can develop their skills fully. If their students have no interest in music but are interested in sports, then they should make them learn sports instead.
(Answer 2)
Well, I think they should because it can help them learn so many things that are important in life such as memorization since they need to remember musical notes; patience as they need to spend a lot of time practicing; creativity because they will learn how to make their own music; confidence as they have to perform in front of people; and many more. I believe learning a musical instrument at school is really beneficial.
Do you think music education is important to children?
(Answer 1)
Well, even though I said that it’s not necessary for children to learn how to play a musical instrument at school, I think learning music is important. It is because music can cultivate children’s creativity. Not only that, music can help children develop social skills and confidence.
(Answer 2)
Of course! With all the benefits that I mentioned earlier upon learning how to play a musical instrument, I must say that music education is really important to children. As we know, music helps us relieve stress and helps us express the things that we can’t easily express. So, when children learn about music, they will be able to communicate their emotions better and that will only make them feel good about themselves.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Oxford, and Cambridge Dictionaries
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