What electronic devices have you bought lately?
(Answer 1)
I haven’t bought one recently because I don’t have the need to get one. I have a functioning (working properly) laptop, two smartphones, and home appliances. To be honest with you, I’m not crazy about (to be very interested) electronic devices like some people who really need to queue (line up) early at a store when a new iPhone is released.
(Answer 2)
Just last month, I bought a new Android phone because I got fed up with my old phone. It wasn’t working well perhaps because it was outdated (old-fashioned). I had that phone for 10 years already and from time to time it froze. Also, I bought an air conditioner because I realized that my old air conditioner consumed so much electricity. I bought an inverter air-conditioner because it’s energy-saving.
Is technology important in your life?
(Answer 1)
Of course! I can’t imagine my life without those necessary technological devices. Actually, my work is completely dependent on a computer, the internet, and a smartphone. Without these things, I don’t think my life would be so comfortable or convenient. My life is great with technology.
(Answer 2)
Yes, definitely! And I don’t think there’s someone in this world who considers technology unimportant. You know, living in this digital age (Information Age) requires people to know and operate some technological devices to achieve a task in day-to-day life. Well, we’re not living in a Stone age so the use of technology is incredibly important in our lives.
Which do you use more often, computers or cell phones?
(Answer 1)
I believe I use my smartphone more than my computer because it’s more convenient. I can reply to emails very easily and quickly, I can give a call to my clients and my co-workers, and I can do online banking with the use of applications. Well, I only use my computer if I need to type some documents and print them. Other than that, I rely (depend) on using my smartphone.
(Answer 2)
Undeniably, I use my smartphone more often than my computer because I have my smartphone with me even during my days off. Yes, at work, I spend more time on my computer but outside of my working time, I use my smartphone every hour and every minute. And I’m sure that I’m not the only one in this world who spends a great amount of time using a smartphone.
What do you think are the trends in technology today compared to when you were young?
(Answer 1)
Obviously, the use of social media and the irresponsible use of the internet. Well, these days people are using social media to be entertained, informed, and educated. When I was young, we didn’t have social media, and our way of entertaining or educating ourselves was either through watching a TV program or reading a book. Another trend in technology nowadays is exploiting the advancement of internet technology.
What I mean by that is technology today is used for illegal activities such as hacking or stealing one’s personal information. This is something I never experienced when I was young.
(Answer 2)
Well, working remotely just by using a computer and a good internet connection is a thing today that I had never expected would come into a reality when I was young. Aside from that, the existence of electric cars or self-driving cars that we see today is an amazing trend nowadays. Many years ago, these types of technology weren’t existing, but perhaps some great minds at that time already thought about these things.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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