What’s your favorite wild animal?
(Answer 1)
I love pandas. I find them adorable (lovable; charming) and entertaining. I have seen lots of documentaries about pandas and I can’t help myself (to be unable to control one’s actions) but fall in love (develop a deep liking) with those wild creatures. I think they’re cuddly and harmless which separates (to make a distinction between) them from grizzly bears.
(Answer 2)
Of course, it’s the king of the jungle – the lion! I admire their bravery and their courage in hunting their prey (animal/s that are caught and killed by another for food). Besides, they’re strong and noble (having or showing fine personal qualities). I think people can learn from their characteristics and apply those in their lives to win life’s struggles or challenges like what lions do in their everyday lives.
Are there wild animals in your country?
(Answer 1)
Yes, there are plenty of wild animals in our country from amphibians to reptiles and birds to mammals. In fact, our government is doing its best to protect those wild animals from poachers. Besides, there are some wild animal conservatories (areas for the conservation of rare and endangered species) in our country which are both funded (financed) by our government and some private institutions.
(Answer 2)
Yes, we have different kinds of wild animals in this country. As this is a tropical country (warm country), most of our wild animals are the ones that can survive in extreme heat such as tigers, lions, elephants, crocodiles, eagles, and many more. Obviously, we don’t have those wild animals that can be found in cold countries.
Where can we see wild animals?
(Answer 1)
I think in every part of the world, there are always places to see wild animals. We can see them at the zoo, wild animal conservatories, and national parks. These are the best places to witness how wild animals live their day-to-day life. But if one wants to have a different kind of experience watching some wild animals, I think they have to go on a safari (a trip to watch, photograph, or hunt wild animals in their natural environment) in East Africa.
(Answer 2)
Obviously at the zoo, wild animal conservatories, or in some African nations. I think going to one of the African nations to see some amazing wild animals like hyenas or lions hunting their prey such as gazelle or buffalos would be a breathtaking (wonderful; magnificent) experience.
Do you like watching animals in the zoo?
(Answer 1)
Honestly, I’m not into (to not be interested) watching animals in the zoo. Well, of course, at first it’s interesting because I can see different types of wild animals which I don’t see in everyday life, however, I get bored after watching all of them. I dunno I think it’s because I get used to (accustomed) watching National Geographic wild animal videos in which there’s action involved such as a lion hunting a buffalo, a group of hyenas stealing the lion’s food, and things like that. (Smiling) These can’t be witnessed at the zoo!
(Answer 2)
To tell you the truth, not at all. I want those wild animals to be freed because the zoo is not their natural habitat (the natural environment of plants and animals). They should be given the freedom to live on their own. I believe people should stop caging (locking up) them and they should stop making money out of those wild animals that are deprived of their liberty (freedom is taken away from them). Can you imagine asking visitors to pay an entrance fee just to watch those wild animals in their respective (own) cages? That’s horrible (nasty; very unpleasant)!
Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?
(Answer 1)
Without a doubt (certainly )! As an animal lover, I adore (love) any kind of program that features animals, most especially the wild ones. In fact, I never miss watching National Geographic documentaries because I can learn so much about wild animals’ behavior, habitat (the natural home of animals), and anything which I didn’t learn in school.
(Answer 2)
Honestly no! I can’t stand (a strong dislike ) watching those kinds of programs because I’m scared of wild animals. When I was 12, I watched a documentary about how king cobras hunt their prey and that was frightening. After watching that documentary, I was paranoid (feeling extremely nervous or worried), I felt like there’s a snake underneath my bed or in my wardrobe.
Did you learn something about wild animals at school?
(Answer 1)
Absolutely (surely; without a doubt )! I think all of us did learn about wild animals in grade school as every school provides lessons about animals in science class. I remember we had some excursions (short trips ) to a national park where we enjoyed watching crocodiles, monkeys, and different kinds of lizards.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I did! But unfortunately, I don’t have vivid (clear) memories of our class on wild animals. Perhaps because I wasn’t fascinated (strongly interested) by learning about those types of animals.
Where can you see wild animals?
(Answer 1)
Well, obviously at the zoo! That’s the only place where I can see different kinds of wild animals at the moment. One day, I’d love to go on a safari (an expedition to observe or hunt wild animals in Africa) in some African nations and enjoy watching some other wild animals. I think that’ll be an awesome (amazing) experience.
(Answer 2)
Of course at the zoo and in the African continent (one large land mass of the earth’s surface ). Those animal lovers here in this country don’t need to travel far to see some lions, tigers, elephants, and more since there are so many zoos that keep wild animals in this beautiful country.
In which country do you think you can see a lot of wild animals?
(Answer 1)
This is without question – some countries in Africa! God gifted them with different unique (distinct ) wild animals. Sadly, there are illegal hunters or poachers (one who kills or takes wild animals illegally) who take advantage of it and make money. That I believe should be stopped.
(Answer 2)
Although there are numerous wild animals living in this country, I think there are more wild animals in the African continent. Well, I believe Tanzania has the largest number of wild animals because of its dense (thick) forests, but I could be wrong.
Have you ever seen any wild animals before?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I have and some examples of wild animals that I’ve seen are zebras, gorillas, giraffes, coyotes, hedgehogs, otters, and lions. Actually, I consider myself a travel buff (a person who loves to travel) and an animal lover so every time I travel abroad, I make a habit (to do something regularly ) to visit a zoo or a wildlife center (a place where wild animals are taken care of by professionals ) just to see some wild animals.
(Answer 2)
Honestly, not even once in person (physically; personally) but of course plenty of times on TV through National Geographic TV shows. In my twenty-one years of existence, I still haven’t seen one real wild animal before my naked eyes (in front of one’s very eyes). I really don’t have a chance to visit any zoos in this country.
What wild animal do you like the most?
(Answer 1)
Seriously, that’s a very hard question to answer, I’m torn between (finding it difficult to choose between two possibilities) a panda and a koala. Both are so adorable! I enjoy watching pandas wiggle (to move up and down or from side to side) – they’re just too endearing (lovable; cute) to me. Koalas are also a favorite of mine because they’re quiet, they have small eyes but a big nose. Also, their fluffy (hairy; shaggy; covered with fluff ) ears make me fall in love with them.
(Answer 2)
Without question (cannot be questioned; without a doubt ), it’s a lion. As we know, it’s the king of the jungle, I admire how fierce (having ferocious aggressive behavior; unafraid ) lions are and how they value unity whenever they are hunting prey (an animal that is hunted and killed by another animal for food). They always have teamwork when running after their prey and when they succeed – they all share their food.
Do you like to go to the zoo?
(Answer 1)
Yes definitely! It is one of my greatest pleasures (happiness) to see different kinds of wild animals. Visiting zoos helps me broaden (expand; widen) my understanding of the many kinds of behavior of wild animals which I couldn’t learn in school.
(Answer 2)
Not at all! I’m an animal lover, I want animals to be free. Caging (to confine in a cage; or imprisoning) them in zoos is just an act of cruelty (brutality). They don’t deserve to be prisoned as they have their natural place to live in, which is the forest. I don’t understand why people put them in a zoo, they are taking their rights away (to remove) to live on their own – people make those animals become dependent on them.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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